/* * webui popover plugin - v1.2.17 * a lightweight popover plugin with jquery ,enchance the popover plugin of bootstrap with some awesome new features. it works well with bootstrap ,but bootstrap is not necessary! * https://github.com/sandywalker/webui-popover * * made by sandy duan * under mit license */ (function(window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; (function(factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // register as an anonymous amd module. define(['jquery'], factory); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { // node/commonjs module.exports = factory(require('jquery')); } else { // browser globals factory(window.jquery); } }(function($) { // create the defaults once var pluginname = 'webuipopover'; var pluginclass = 'webui-popover'; var plugintype = 'webui.popover'; var defaults = { placement: 'auto', container: null, width: 'auto', height: 'auto', trigger: 'hover', //hover,click,sticky,manual style: '', selector: false, // jquery selector, if a selector is provided, popover objects will be delegated to the specified. delay: { show: null, hide: 300 }, async: { type: 'get', before: null, //function(that, xhr, settings){} success: null, //function(that, xhr){} error: null //function(that, xhr, data){} }, cache: true, multi: false, arrow: true, title: '', content: '', closeable: false, padding: true, url: '', type: 'html', direction: '', // ltr,rtl animation: null, template: '
' + '
' + '
' + '' + '

' + '


' + '
' + '
', backdrop: false, dismissible: true, onshow: null, onhide: null, abortxhr: true, autohide: false, offsettop: 0, offsetleft: 0, iframeoptions: { frameborder: '0', allowtransparency: 'true', id: '', name: '', scrolling: '', onload: '', height: '', width: '' }, hideempty: false }; var rtlclass = pluginclass + '-rtl'; var _srcelements = []; var backdrop = $('
'); var _globalidseed = 0; var _isbodyeventhandled = false; var _offsetout = -2000; // the value offset out of the screen var $document = $(document); var tonumber = function(numeric, fallback) { return isnan(numeric) ? (fallback || 0) : number(numeric); }; var getpopfromelement = function($element) { return $element.data('plugin_' + pluginname); }; var hideallpop = function() { var pop = null; for (var i = 0; i < _srcelements.length; i++) { pop = getpopfromelement(_srcelements[i]); if (pop) { pop.hide(true); } } $document.trigger('hiddenall.' + plugintype); }; var hideotherpops = function(currentpop) { var pop = null; for (var i = 0; i < _srcelements.length; i++) { pop = getpopfromelement(_srcelements[i]); if (pop && pop.id !== currentpop.id) { pop.hide(true); } } $document.trigger('hiddenall.' + plugintype); }; var ismobile = ('ontouchstart' in document.documentelement) && (/mobi/.test(navigator.useragent)); var pointereventtoxy = function(e) { var out = { x: 0, y: 0 }; if (e.type === 'touchstart' || e.type === 'touchmove' || e.type === 'touchend' || e.type === 'touchcancel') { var touch = e.originalevent.touches[0] || e.originalevent.changedtouches[0]; out.x = touch.pagex; out.y = touch.pagey; } else if (e.type === 'mousedown' || e.type === 'mouseup' || e.type === 'click') { out.x = e.pagex; out.y = e.pagey; } return out; }; // the actual plugin constructor function webuipopover(element, options) { this.$element = $(element); if (options) { if ($.type(options.delay) === 'string' || $.type(options.delay) === 'number') { options.delay = { show: options.delay, hide: options.delay }; // bc break fix } } this.options = $.extend({}, defaults, options); this._defaults = defaults; this._name = pluginname; this._targetclick = false; this.init(); _srcelements.push(this.$element); return this; } webuipopover.prototype = { //init webui popover init: function() { if (this.$element[0] instanceof document.constructor && !this.options.selector) { throw new error('`selector` option must be specified when initializing ' + this.type + ' on the window.document object!'); } if (this.gettrigger() !== 'manual') { //init the event handlers if (ismobile) { this.$element.off('touchend', this.options.selector).on('touchend', this.options.selector, $.proxy(this.toggle, this)); } else if (this.gettrigger() === 'click') { this.$element.off('click', this.options.selector).on('click', this.options.selector, $.proxy(this.toggle, this)); } else if (this.gettrigger() === 'hover') { this.$element .off('mouseenter mouseleave click', this.options.selector) .on('mouseenter', this.options.selector, $.proxy(this.mouseenterhandler, this)) .on('mouseleave', this.options.selector, $.proxy(this.mouseleavehandler, this)); } } this._poped = false; this._inited = true; this._opened = false; this._idseed = _globalidseed; this.id = pluginname + this._idseed; // normalize container this.options.container = $(this.options.container || document.body).first(); if (this.options.backdrop) { backdrop.appendto(this.options.container).hide(); } _globalidseed++; if (this.gettrigger() === 'sticky') { this.show(); } if (this.options.selector) { this._options = $.extend({}, this.options, { selector: '' }); } }, /* api methods and actions */ destroy: function() { var index = -1; for (var i = 0; i < _srcelements.length; i++) { if (_srcelements[i] === this.$element) { index = i; break; } } _srcelements.splice(index, 1); this.hide(); this.$element.data('plugin_' + pluginname, null); if (this.gettrigger() === 'click') { this.$element.off('click'); } else if (this.gettrigger() === 'hover') { this.$element.off('mouseenter mouseleave'); } if (this.$target) { this.$target.remove(); } }, getdelegateoptions: function() { var options = {}; this._options && $.each(this._options, function(key, value) { if (defaults[key] !== value) { options[key] = value; } }); return options; }, /* param: force boolean value, if value is true then force hide the popover param: event dom event, */ hide: function(force, event) { if (!force && this.gettrigger() === 'sticky') { return; } if (!this._opened) { return; } if (event) { event.preventdefault(); event.stoppropagation(); } if (this.xhr && this.options.abortxhr === true) { this.xhr.abort(); this.xhr = null; } var e = $.event('hide.' + plugintype); this.$element.trigger(e, [this.$target]); if (this.$target) { this.$target.removeclass('in').addclass(this.gethideanimation()); var that = this; settimeout(function() { that.$target.hide(); if (!that.getcache()) { that.$target.remove(); //that.gettriggerelement.removeattr('data-target'); } }, that.gethidedelay()); } if (this.options.backdrop) { backdrop.hide(); } this._opened = false; this.$element.trigger('hidden.' + plugintype, [this.$target]); if (this.options.onhide) { this.options.onhide(this.$target); } }, resetautohide: function() { var that = this; var autohide = that.getautohide(); if (autohide) { if (that.autohidehandler) { cleartimeout(that.autohidehandler); } that.autohidehandler = settimeout(function() { that.hide(); }, autohide); } }, delegate: function(eventtarget) { var self = $(eventtarget).data('plugin_' + pluginname); if (!self) { self = new webuipopover(eventtarget, this.getdelegateoptions()); $(eventtarget).data('plugin_' + pluginname, self); } return self; }, toggle: function(e) { var self = this; if (e) { e.preventdefault(); e.stoppropagation(); if (this.options.selector) { self = this.delegate(e.currenttarget); } } self[self.gettarget().hasclass('in') ? 'hide' : 'show'](); }, hideall: function() { hideallpop(); }, hideothers: function() { hideotherpops(this); }, /*core method ,show popover */ show: function() { if (this._opened) { return; } //removealltargets(); var $target = this.gettarget().removeclass().addclass(pluginclass).addclass(this._customtargetclass); if (!this.options.multi) { this.hideothers(); } // use cache by default, if not cache setted , reinit the contents if (!this.getcache() || !this._poped || this.content === '') { this.content = ''; this.settitle(this.gettitle()); if (!this.options.closeable) { $target.find('.close').off('click').remove(); } if (!this.isasync()) { this.setcontent(this.getcontent()); } else { this.setcontentasync(this.options.content); } if (this.canemptyhide() && this.content === '') { return; } $target.show(); } this.displaycontent(); if (this.options.onshow) { this.options.onshow($target, this.$element); } this.bindbodyevents(); if (this.options.backdrop) { backdrop.show(); } this._opened = true; this.resetautohide(); }, displaycontent: function() { var //element postion elementpos = this.getelementposition(), //target postion $target = this.gettarget().removeclass().addclass(pluginclass).addclass(this._customtargetclass), //target content $targetcontent = this.getcontentelement(), //target width targetwidth = $target[0].offsetwidth, //target height targetheight = $target[0].offsetheight, //placement placement = 'bottom', e = $.event('show.' + plugintype); if (this.canemptyhide()) { var content = $targetcontent.children().html(); if (content !== null && content.trim().length === 0) { return; } } //if (this.hascontent()){ this.$element.trigger(e, [$target]); //} // support width as data attribute var optwidth = this.$element.data('width') || this.options.width; if (optwidth === '') { optwidth = this._defaults.width; } if (optwidth !== 'auto') { $target.width(optwidth); } // support height as data attribute var optheight = this.$element.data('height') || this.options.height; if (optheight === '') { optheight = this._defaults.height; } if (optheight !== 'auto') { $targetcontent.height(optheight); } if (this.options.style) { this.$target.addclass(pluginclass + '-' + this.options.style); } //check rtl if (this.options.direction === 'rtl' && !$targetcontent.hasclass(rtlclass)) { $targetcontent.addclass(rtlclass); } //init the popover and insert into the document body if (!this.options.arrow) { $target.find('.webui-arrow').remove(); } $target.detach().css({ top: _offsetout, left: _offsetout, display: 'block' }); if (this.getanimation()) { $target.addclass(this.getanimation()); } $target.appendto(this.options.container); placement = this.getplacement(elementpos); //this line is just for compatible with knockout custom binding this.$element.trigger('added.' + plugintype); this.inittargetevents(); if (!this.options.padding) { if (this.options.height !== 'auto') { $targetcontent.css('height', $targetcontent.outerheight()); } this.$target.addclass('webui-no-padding'); } // add maxheight and maxwidth support by limodou@gmail.com 2016/10/1 if (this.options.maxheight) { $targetcontent.css('maxheight', this.options.maxheight); } if (this.options.maxwidth) { $targetcontent.css('maxwidth', this.options.maxwidth); } // end targetwidth = $target[0].offsetwidth; targetheight = $target[0].offsetheight; var postioninfo = this.gettargetpositin(elementpos, placement, targetwidth, targetheight); this.$target.css(postioninfo.position).addclass(placement).addclass('in'); if (this.options.type === 'iframe') { var $iframe = $target.find('iframe'); var iframewidth = $target.width(); var iframeheight = $iframe.parent().height(); if (this.options.iframeoptions.width !== '' && this.options.iframeoptions.width !== 'auto') { iframewidth = this.options.iframeoptions.width; } if (this.options.iframeoptions.height !== '' && this.options.iframeoptions.height !== 'auto') { iframeheight = this.options.iframeoptions.height; } $iframe.width(iframewidth).height(iframeheight); } if (!this.options.arrow) { this.$target.css({ 'margin': 0 }); } if (this.options.arrow) { var $arrow = this.$target.find('.webui-arrow'); $arrow.removeattr('style'); //prevent arrow change by content size if (placement === 'left' || placement === 'right') { $arrow.css({ top: this.$target.height() / 2 }); } else if (placement === 'top' || placement === 'bottom') { $arrow.css({ left: this.$target.width() / 2 }); } if (postioninfo.arrowoffset) { //hide the arrow if offset is negative if (postioninfo.arrowoffset.left === -1 || postioninfo.arrowoffset.top === -1) { $arrow.hide(); } else { $arrow.css(postioninfo.arrowoffset); } } } this._poped = true; this.$element.trigger('shown.' + plugintype, [this.$target]); }, istargetloaded: function() { return this.gettarget().find('i.glyphicon-refresh').length === 0; }, /*getter setters */ gettriggerelement: function() { return this.$element; }, gettarget: function() { if (!this.$target) { var id = pluginname + this._idseed; this.$target = $(this.options.template) .attr('id', id); this._customtargetclass = this.$target.attr('class') !== pluginclass ? this.$target.attr('class') : null; this.gettriggerelement().attr('data-target', id); } if (!this.$target.data('trigger-element')) { this.$target.data('trigger-element', this.gettriggerelement()); } return this.$target; }, removetarget: function() { this.$target.remove(); this.$target = null; this.$contentelement = null; }, gettitleelement: function() { return this.gettarget().find('.' + pluginclass + '-title'); }, getcontentelement: function() { if (!this.$contentelement) { this.$contentelement = this.gettarget().find('.' + pluginclass + '-content'); } return this.$contentelement; }, gettitle: function() { return this.$element.attr('data-title') || this.options.title || this.$element.attr('title'); }, geturl: function() { return this.$element.attr('data-url') || this.options.url; }, getautohide: function() { return this.$element.attr('data-auto-hide') || this.options.autohide; }, getoffsettop: function() { return tonumber(this.$element.height()/2-20) || this.options.offsettop; }, getoffsetleft: function() { return tonumber(this.$element.attr('data-offset-left')) || this.options.offsetleft; }, getcache: function() { var dataattr = this.$element.attr('data-cache'); if (typeof(dataattr) !== 'undefined') { switch (dataattr.tolowercase()) { case 'true': case 'yes': case '1': return true; case 'false': case 'no': case '0': return false; } } return this.options.cache; }, gettrigger: function() { return this.$element.attr('data-trigger') || this.options.trigger; }, getdelayshow: function() { var dataattr = this.$element.attr('data-delay-show'); if (typeof(dataattr) !== 'undefined') { return dataattr; } return this.options.delay.show === 0 ? 0 : this.options.delay.show || 100; }, gethidedelay: function() { var dataattr = this.$element.attr('data-delay-hide'); if (typeof(dataattr) !== 'undefined') { return dataattr; } return this.options.delay.hide === 0 ? 0 : this.options.delay.hide || 100; }, getanimation: function() { var dataattr = this.$element.attr('data-animation'); return dataattr || this.options.animation; }, gethideanimation: function() { var ani = this.getanimation(); return ani ? ani + '-out' : 'out'; }, settitle: function(title) { var $titleel = this.gettitleelement(); if (title) { //check rtl if (this.options.direction === 'rtl' && !$titleel.hasclass(rtlclass)) { $titleel.addclass(rtlclass); } $titleel.html(title); } else { $titleel.remove(); } }, hascontent: function() { return this.getcontent(); }, canemptyhide: function() { return this.options.hideempty && this.options.type === 'html'; }, getiframe: function() { var $iframe = $('').attr('src', this.geturl()); var self = this; $.each(this._defaults.iframeoptions, function(opt) { if (typeof self.options.iframeoptions[opt] !== 'undefined') { $iframe.attr(opt, self.options.iframeoptions[opt]); } }); return $iframe; }, getcontent: function() { if (this.geturl()) { switch (this.options.type) { case 'iframe': this.content = this.getiframe(); break; case 'html': try { this.content = $(this.geturl()); if (!this.content.is(':visible')) { this.content.show(); } } catch (error) { throw new error('unable to get popover content. invalid selector specified.'); } break; } } else if (!this.content) { var content = ''; if ($.isfunction(this.options.content)) { content = this.options.content.apply(this.$element[0], [this]); } else { content = this.options.content; } this.content = this.$element.attr('data-content') || content; if (!this.content) { var $next = this.$element.next(); if ($next && $next.hasclass(pluginclass + '-content')) { this.content = $next; } } } return this.content; }, setcontent: function(content) { var $target = this.gettarget(); var $ct = this.getcontentelement(); if (typeof content === 'string') { $ct.html(content); } else if (content instanceof $) { $ct.html(''); //don't want to clone too many times. if (!this.options.cache) { content.clone(true, true).removeclass(pluginclass + '-content').appendto($ct); } else { content.removeclass(pluginclass + '-content').appendto($ct); } } this.$target = $target; }, isasync: function() { return this.options.type === 'async'; }, setcontentasync: function(content) { var that = this; if (this.xhr) { return; } this.xhr = $.ajax({ url: this.geturl(), type: this.options.async.type, cache: this.getcache(), beforesend: function(xhr, settings) { if (that.options.async.before) { that.options.async.before(that, xhr, settings); } }, success: function(data) { that.bindbodyevents(); if (content && $.isfunction(content)) { that.content = content.apply(that.$element[0], [data]); } else { that.content = data; } that.setcontent(that.content); var $targetcontent = that.getcontentelement(); $targetcontent.removeattr('style'); that.displaycontent(); if (that.options.async.success) { that.options.async.success(that, data); } }, complete: function() { that.xhr = null; }, error: function(xhr, data) { if (that.options.async.error) { that.options.async.error(that, xhr, data); } } }); }, bindbodyevents: function() { if (_isbodyeventhandled) { return; } if (this.options.dismissible && this.gettrigger() === 'click') { if (ismobile) { $document.off('touchstart.webui-popover').on('touchstart.webui-popover', $.proxy(this.bodytouchstarthandler, this)); } else { $document.off('keyup.webui-popover').on('keyup.webui-popover', $.proxy(this.escapehandler, this)); $document.off('click.webui-popover').on('click.webui-popover', $.proxy(this.bodyclickhandler, this)); } } else if (this.gettrigger() === 'hover') { $document.off('touchend.webui-popover') .on('touchend.webui-popover', $.proxy(this.bodyclickhandler, this)); } }, /* event handlers */ mouseenterhandler: function(e) { var self = this; if (e && this.options.selector) { self = this.delegate(e.currenttarget); } if (self._timeout) { cleartimeout(self._timeout); } self._entertimeout = settimeout(function() { if (!self.gettarget().is(':visible')) { self.show(); } }, this.getdelayshow()); }, mouseleavehandler: function() { var self = this; cleartimeout(self._entertimeout); //key point, set the _timeout then use cleartimeout when mouse leave self._timeout = settimeout(function() { self.hide(); }, this.gethidedelay()); }, escapehandler: function(e) { if (e.keycode === 27) { this.hideall(); } }, bodytouchstarthandler: function(e) { var self = this; var $eventel = $(e.currenttarget); $eventel.on('touchend', function(e) { self.bodyclickhandler(e); $eventel.off('touchend'); }); $eventel.on('touchmove', function() { $eventel.off('touchend'); }); }, bodyclickhandler: function(e) { _isbodyeventhandled = true; var canhide = true; for (var i = 0; i < _srcelements.length; i++) { var pop = getpopfromelement(_srcelements[i]); if (pop && pop._opened) { var offset = pop.gettarget().offset(); var popx1 = offset.left; var popy1 = offset.top; var popx2 = offset.left + pop.gettarget().width(); var popy2 = offset.top + pop.gettarget().height(); var pt = pointereventtoxy(e); var inpop = pt.x >= popx1 && pt.x <= popx2 && pt.y >= popy1 && pt.y <= popy2; if (inpop) { canhide = false; break; } } } if (canhide) { hideallpop(); } }, /* targetclickhandler: function() { this._targetclick = true; }, */ //reset and init the target events; inittargetevents: function() { if (this.gettrigger() === 'hover') { this.$target .off('mouseenter mouseleave') .on('mouseenter', $.proxy(this.mouseenterhandler, this)) .on('mouseleave', $.proxy(this.mouseleavehandler, this)); } this.$target.find('.close').off('click').on('click', $.proxy(this.hide, this, true)); //this.$target.off('click.webui-popover').on('click.webui-popover', $.proxy(this.targetclickhandler, this)); }, /* utils methods */ //caculate placement of the popover getplacement: function(pos) { var placement, container = this.options.container, clientwidth = container.innerwidth(), clientheight = container.innerheight(), scrolltop = container.scrolltop(), scrollleft = container.scrollleft(), pagex = math.max(0, pos.left - scrollleft), pagey = math.max(0, pos.top - scrolltop); //arrowsize = 20; //if placement equals autoļ¼Œcaculate the placement by element information; if (typeof(this.options.placement) === 'function') { placement = this.options.placement.call(this, this.gettarget()[0], this.$element[0]); } else { placement = this.$element.data('placement') || this.options.placement; } var ish = placement === 'horizontal'; var isv = placement === 'vertical'; var detect = placement === 'auto' || ish || isv; if (detect) { if (pagex < clientwidth / 3) { if (pagey < clientheight / 3) { placement = ish ? 'right-bottom' : 'bottom-right'; } else if (pagey < clientheight * 2 / 3) { if (isv) { placement = pagey <= clientheight / 2 ? 'bottom-right' : 'top-right'; } else { placement = 'right'; } } else { placement = ish ? 'right-top' : 'top-right'; } //placement= pagey>targetheight+arrowsize?'top-right':'bottom-right'; } else if (pagex < clientwidth * 2 / 3) { if (pagey < clientheight / 3) { if (ish) { placement = pagex <= clientwidth / 2 ? 'right-bottom' : 'left-bottom'; } else { placement = 'bottom'; } } else if (pagey < clientheight * 2 / 3) { if (ish) { placement = pagex <= clientwidth / 2 ? 'right' : 'left'; } else { placement = pagey <= clientheight / 2 ? 'bottom' : 'top'; } } else { if (ish) { placement = pagex <= clientwidth / 2 ? 'right-top' : 'left-top'; } else { placement = 'top'; } } } else { //placement = pagey>targetheight+arrowsize?'top-left':'bottom-left'; if (pagey < clientheight / 3) { placement = ish ? 'left-bottom' : 'bottom-left'; } else if (pagey < clientheight * 2 / 3) { if (isv) { placement = pagey <= clientheight / 2 ? 'bottom-left' : 'top-left'; } else { placement = 'left'; } } else { placement = ish ? 'left-top' : 'top-left'; } } } else if (placement === 'auto-top') { if (pagex < clientwidth / 3) { placement = 'top-right'; } else if (pagex < clientwidth * 2 / 3) { placement = 'top'; } else { placement = 'top-left'; } } else if (placement === 'auto-bottom') { if (pagex < clientwidth / 3) { placement = 'bottom-right'; } else if (pagex < clientwidth * 2 / 3) { placement = 'bottom'; } else { placement = 'bottom-left'; } } else if (placement === 'auto-left') { if (pagey < clientheight / 3) { placement = 'left-top'; } else if (pagey < clientheight * 2 / 3) { placement = 'left'; } else { placement = 'left-bottom'; } } else if (placement === 'auto-right') { if (pagey < clientheight / 3) { placement = 'right-bottom'; } else if (pagey < clientheight * 2 / 3) { placement = 'right'; } else { placement = 'right-top'; } } return placement; }, getelementposition: function() { // if the container is the body or normal conatiner, just use $element.offset() var elrect = this.$element[0].getboundingclientrect(); var container = this.options.container; var csspos = container.css('position'); if (container.is(document.body) || csspos === 'static') { return $.extend({}, this.$element.offset(), { width: this.$element[0].offsetwidth || elrect.width, height: this.$element[0].offsetheight || elrect.height }); // else fixed container need recalculate the position } else if (csspos === 'fixed') { var containerrect = container[0].getboundingclientrect(); return { top: elrect.top - containerrect.top + container.scrolltop(), left: elrect.left - containerrect.left + container.scrollleft(), width: elrect.width, height: elrect.height }; } else if (csspos === 'relative') { return { top: this.$element.offset().top - container.offset().top, left: this.$element.offset().left - container.offset().left, width: this.$element[0].offsetwidth || elrect.width, height: this.$element[0].offsetheight || elrect.height }; } }, gettargetpositin: function(elementpos, placement, targetwidth, targetheight) { var pos = elementpos, container = this.options.container, //clientwidth = container.innerwidth(), //clientheight = container.innerheight(), elementw = this.$element.outerwidth(), elementh = this.$element.outerheight(), scrolltop = document.documentelement.scrolltop + container.scrolltop(), scrollleft = document.documentelement.scrollleft + container.scrollleft(), position = {}, arrowoffset = null, arrowsize = this.options.arrow ? 20 : 0, padding = 10, fixedw = elementw < arrowsize + padding ? arrowsize : 0, fixedh = elementh < arrowsize + padding ? arrowsize : 0, refix = 0, pageh = document.documentelement.clientheight + scrolltop, pagew = document.documentelement.clientwidth + scrollleft; var validleft = pos.left + pos.width / 2 - fixedw > 0; var validright = pos.left + pos.width / 2 + fixedw < pagew; var validtop = pos.top + pos.height / 2 - fixedh > 0; var validbottom = pos.top + pos.height / 2 + fixedh < pageh; switch (placement) { case 'bottom': position = { top: pos.top + pos.height, left: pos.left + pos.width / 2 - targetwidth / 2 }; break; case 'top': position = { top: pos.top - targetheight, left: pos.left + pos.width / 2 - targetwidth / 2 }; break; case 'left': position = { top: pos.top + pos.height / 2 - targetheight / 2, left: pos.left - targetwidth }; break; case 'right': position = { top: pos.top + pos.height / 2 - targetheight / 2, left: pos.left + pos.width }; break; case 'top-right': position = { top: pos.top - targetheight, left: validleft ? pos.left - fixedw : padding }; arrowoffset = { left: validleft ? math.min(elementw, targetwidth) / 2 + fixedw : _offsetout }; break; case 'top-left': refix = validright ? fixedw : -padding; position = { top: pos.top - targetheight, left: pos.left - targetwidth + pos.width + refix }; arrowoffset = { left: validright ? targetwidth - math.min(elementw, targetwidth) / 2 - fixedw : _offsetout }; break; case 'bottom-right': position = { top: pos.top + pos.height, left: validleft ? pos.left - fixedw : padding }; arrowoffset = { left: validleft ? math.min(elementw, targetwidth) / 2 + fixedw : _offsetout }; break; case 'bottom-left': refix = validright ? fixedw : -padding; position = { top: pos.top + pos.height, left: pos.left - targetwidth + pos.width + refix }; arrowoffset = { left: validright ? targetwidth - math.min(elementw, targetwidth) / 2 - fixedw : _offsetout }; break; case 'right-top': refix = validbottom ? fixedh : -padding; position = { top: pos.top - targetheight + pos.height + refix, left: pos.left + pos.width }; arrowoffset = { top: validbottom ? targetheight - math.min(elementh, targetheight) / 2 - fixedh : _offsetout }; break; case 'right-bottom': position = { top: validtop ? pos.top - fixedh : padding, left: pos.left + pos.width }; arrowoffset = { top: validtop ? math.min(elementh, targetheight) / 2 + fixedh : _offsetout }; break; case 'left-top': refix = validbottom ? fixedh : -padding; position = { top: pos.top - targetheight + pos.height + refix, left: pos.left - targetwidth }; arrowoffset = { top: validbottom ? targetheight - math.min(elementh, targetheight) / 2 - fixedh : _offsetout }; break; case 'left-bottom': position = { top: validtop ? pos.top - fixedh : padding, left: pos.left - targetwidth }; arrowoffset = { top: validtop ? math.min(elementh, targetheight) / 2 + fixedh : _offsetout }; break; } position.top += this.getoffsettop(); position.left += this.getoffsetleft(); return { position: position, arrowoffset: arrowoffset }; } }; $.fn[pluginname] = function(options, noinit) { var results = []; var $result = this.each(function() { var webuipopover = $.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginname); if (!webuipopover) { if (!options) { webuipopover = new webuipopover(this, null); } else if (typeof options === 'string') { if (options !== 'destroy') { if (!noinit) { webuipopover = new webuipopover(this, null); results.push(webuipopover[options]()); } } } else if (typeof options === 'object') { webuipopover = new webuipopover(this, options); } $.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginname, webuipopover); } else { if (options === 'destroy') { webuipopover.destroy(); } else if (typeof options === 'string') { results.push(webuipopover[options]()); } } }); return (results.length) ? 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